Hello, welcome to my website
This is the website of Mark McNally.
In my spare time I tend to work on projects that interest me:
My Youtube Channel Attempting to make fun and educational tech videos, mainly Linux and Python related.
Monitor Monkey The easiest and simplest way to Monitor Linux servers.
Bluesky toolbox A collection of tools using the bluesky firehose.
PeepoPoll.com A website that lets twitch streamers easily interact with their chat in fun ways
Jersey Carparks Can I park in Jersey today?
Arcane Mouth Breather Preventer Lets you know if you are a being a mouth breathing peasent
I also intend to update my blog more often. I am not the best at writing but I hope to improve as I write more. I also post on twitter
I have also recently created the MicroLog A place to post things that don't warrant a full blog post
In Feb 2025 I created my DevLog I'll post project updates here.
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New Colour scheme!
The colour scheme of this website recently changed, if you would like to see what the old one looked like click the button (warning: blue)
Fun fact: This is the first bit of javascript on this website
Electronic Mail
You can email about anything if you like
My email is : mark AT mcnally DOT je